I've watched many videos over the years looking at the production of this piece of hardware and as a separate piece of technology it is impressive but with the xbox it just ruins the image. I understand Microsoft's desire to take what the other consoles have and make it better but they made a camera that interacts with you on the Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 is not an interactive exercise console, that's called a Wii, the xbox 360 is for FPS for the most part considering that the genre owns almost 90% of the Xbox live community, not counting arcade.
Once you get a Kinect you will also have to accommodate for the room you will need to play these games. They all require almost full body movement and more than likely I can see some kicks to the coffee table at your side.
I can't fully make fun of Microsoft's attempt for motion capture because they are looking ahead in terms of how to interact with games, but as it stands I have not heard of any games looking to fully adapt with this piece of technology to make it Kinect friendly.
Should be interesting to see how this play out.
Agreed. Not very excited.
I'm not excited, since it's kind of like a step over to the Wii after people were makin' fun of it...but hey! Keep optimistic. Maybe it'll end up kickass. Maybe not.
indeed! I would love MORE.
I am not excited at all.
meh, supporting lol.
will be interesting to see if this is as good as they say
I agree. Not so much a hot topic. Plus... its MS.
nice technologi
I want it to my xbox
this looks f-ing awesome!
Wow! This looks very cool. Have you seen this yet? Cool, huh?
Cool man! Check out my blog http://freerap-downloads.blogspot.com
The idea of it is amazing, but we'll just have to see how well it actually works.
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